
I see it coming,

the running surf coming towards me

  ready to devour all things that I have that is bright as the sun,

and envelop and drown me in momentary sadness.

As the moon waxes and wane, the tide elevates and

completely devour all the hapless souls in its way.

Beneath the salty waters, I didn’t suffocate but

I contemplate as the water passes through my body.

Slowly the salty flood subsides, emancipating me

from the liquid prison, leaving me clean and brand new.

However, the tide is perpetual and gets higher

and higher as time goes by. It will come back

for me, each time I try to leave those moments

filled with salty tears.


These string of words will never exist,

if I didn’t touch your face,

kiss your lips,

dance with you last night,

feel the warmth of your skin,

give life to the butterflies in my stomach and

meet you.

As the stars will never appear in the sky, if the night never existed.

Rains of May

Lightning scratched the sky; the streaks

of golden light was slowly eaten by

the heavy grey nimbus clouds.

The incessant rains plummeted into

the dry earth, filling those wide cracks

caused by the intense heat.

During the torrential shower, various

flowers sprang up from the dead ground:

roses,lilies,daisies, and violets.

all of those were the ones you love to

get your hands on and grow into your garden.

However, I didn’t find any shelter in the

continuous precipitation, leaving me

soaked in rainwater, then a hazy shadow

was sketched in the misty air.

Slowly, it started to move and came towards me.

Before me, you stand and cheerfully offered

me to stay under your umbrella. The blue

air that embraced us became warm as red.

Our lips touched each other. The sudden

kiss gave life to my dry soul, I felt that

flowers began to grow within me, their

roots entangled in my bones and organs.

Like the rains of may, you have grown

fruits in my dry empty desert.

Now birds could sing songs again within

me. Fish could swim in my flowing bloodstream.

Too late


Words are like steel, they decay and rust too,

as the longevity of the interval of the sun and

the moon continues, it becomes meaningless.


The late “I love you” will become a goodbye;

late apologies will become refusals and

late sentiments will be cast with indifference.


No matter how much you chase me with

the fastest horse in town, you will never catch

me because it’s too late.


The delayed “I will save you” has failed to rescue

me from drowning in the deep sea, hence the chambers

of my frail lungs are filled with the salty water, killing the

life out of me.


It’s so sad that the thing we had once

shined like starlight, is now faded because

you have awoken from your sleep when

time has already flapped its wings.

words by oceancatman